ATC School
- VAC Ground Controlling
- VAC Tower Controlling
- VAC Approach/Radar Controlling
Aircraft Information
General Knowledge
- VFR Circuit
- VFR Minima
- Airspace
- ATC Air Traffic Control
- Flight Rules
- Overhead Join
- TA Transition Altitude TL Transition Level Semicircular Rule
- Squawk Codes And Transponders
ATC Services
CAA Phraseology IFR
CAA Phraseology VFR
- Free Call Technique
- CAA AGCS VFR Circuits
- CAA AGCS Arrivals
- CAA AGCS Departures
- CAA AGCS RNP Approach
- CAA AFIS VFR Circuit
- CAA AFIS Arriving
- CAA AFIS Departure
- CAA AFIS RNP Approach
- CAA ATC VFR Circuit
- CAA ATC VFR Arrivals
- CAA ATC VFR Departure
- CAA ATC VFR Transit Class D
ICAO Phraseology
- ICAO AFIS Circuits
- ICAO AFIS Arrival
- ICAO AFIS Departure
- ICAO ATC Arrival
- ICAO ATC Departure
This lesson will explain the Meteorological Terminal Air Report or METAR and how to read and decode it. METARS published in the UK at 20 past and 50 past each hour. The general format of a METAR is as follows.
- Identification
- Wind
- Visibility
- Present Weather
- Cloud
- Temperature and Dew point
- Recent Weather
- Wind Shear
- Colour State
- Trend
1: Identification is made up of 3 parts
EGNM | Leeds Bradford |
06 | Date |
1620Z | Time |
AUTO | A fully automated report with no human intervention |
EGNM 061620Z 26010G25KT 200V300 R14/800D FG -RA BKN018TCU 10/02 RE+RA WS RWY 14 BECMG SCT039 FEW022
2: Wind
260 | Wind Direction (Coming from) |
10KT | Speed 10 Knots |
G25KT | Gusting 25 Knots |
200V300 | The direction of wind varies between 200 degrees and 300 degrees |
CALM | The wind is calm 00000KT |
EGNM 061620Z 26010G25KT 200V300 3000 1300SW R14/800D FG -RA BKN018TCU 10/02 RE+RA WS RWY 14 BECMG SCT039 FEW022
3: Visibility is depicted in Metres.
0000 | Less than 50 metres | 9999 | 10 kilometres or more |
3000 | Visibility 3000M | ||
1300SW | Visibility to SW 1300M |
You may also see 1300SW indicating that the minimum visibility to the SW is 1300 metres.
EGNM 061620Z 26010G25KT 200V300 3000 1300SW R14/800D FG -RA BKN018TCU 10/02 RE+RA WS RWY 14 BECMG SCT039 FEW022
4: RVR , Runway Visual Range is the range over which the pilot of an aircraft on the centre line of a runway can see the runway surface markings or the lights delineating the runway or identifying its centre line. This is displayed with the runway first and then the visibility R14 – Runway 14 and then this visible distance shown in metres 800.
U | Increasing | D | Decreasing | N | No change (Not reported in the UK at Present) |
These may be added to the figure R14/800D
You may also see in Ireland:
R10L/P2000, R10R/M2000
Runway 10L visibility is P – Plus 2000M, and R10R visibility is M – Minus 2000m.
EGNM 061620Z 26010G25KT 200V300 3000 1300SW R14/800D FG -RA BKN018TCU 10/02 RE+RA WS RWY 14 BECMG SCT039 FEW022
5: Present weather is shown in codes for example RA is rain -RA is light rain +RA is heavy rain.
Present Weather | |||||
– Light | No qualifier = Moderate | + Heavy | |||
BC | Patches | BL | Blowing | BR | Mist |
DS | Dust Storm | DU | Dust | DZ | Drizzle |
FC | Funnel cloud | FG | Fog | FU | Smoke |
FZ | Freezing | GR | Hail>5mm | GS | Small Hail |
HZ | Haze | IC | Ice Crystals | MI | Shallow |
PL | Ice Pellets | PO | Dust Devils | PR | Banks |
RA | Rain | SA | Sand | SH | Showers |
SG | Snow Grains | SN | Snow | SQ | Squalls |
SS | Sand Storms | TS | Thunderstorms | UP | Unidentified PrecipitationAuto Only |
VA | Volcanic Ash | VC | In vicinity |
EGNM 061620Z 26010G25KT 200V300 3000 1300SW R14/800D FG -RA BKN018TCU 10/02 RE+RA WS RWY 14 BECMG SCT039 FEW022
6: The scale on which cloud cover is observed is called Oktas scale which goes from 0 to 8.
0 | Clear | |
1-2 | FEW | Few |
3-4 | SCT | Scattered |
5-7 | BKN | Broken |
8 | OVC | Overcast |
TCU | Towering Cumulus | CB | cumulonimbus | VV003 | state of the sky obscured | In lieu of figures | Each / represents 100ft up to 3 |
Cloud height is given in ft above the airfield height.
FEW021 SCT039
EGNM 061620Z 26010G25KT 200V300 3000 1300SW R14/800D FG -RA BKN018TCU 10/02 RE+RA WS RWY 14 BECMG SCT039 FEW022
7: CAVOK cav-oh-kay. Visibility greater or equal to 10 km and the lowest visibility is not reported, no cumulonimbus or towering cumulus, no cloud below 5000 ft or highest MSA (greater) and no weather significant to aviation.
8: The first digits are the temperature after the / is the dew point, the dew point is the temperature to which it must be cooled to become saturated with water vapour.
EGNM 061620Z 26010G25KT 200V300 3000 1300SW R14/800D FG -RA BKN018TCU 10/02 RE+RA WS RWY 14 BECMG SCT039 FEW022
9: QNH the altimeter setting.
Most METAR stops at this point, you may see some of the following.
10: Since 5 is present weather recent weather gives you a short look into the past, you may see something like RETS indicating a recent thunderstorm which would mean the runway is more than likely wet. Up to 3 groups may be present.
EGNM 061620Z 26010G25KT 200V300 3000 1300SW R14/800D FG -RA BKN018TCU 10/02 RE+RA WS RWY 14 BECMG SCT039 FEW022
11: Wind shear is defined as a wind direction and/or speed change over a vertical or horizontal distance. This could result in you losing airspeed rapidly.
EGNM 061620Z 26010G25KT 200V300 3000 1300SW R14/800D FG -RA BKN018TCU 10/02 RE+RA WS RWY 14 BECMG SCT039 FEW022
12: Colour state Military reports also display a colour state BLU, WHT, GRN, YLO, AMB or RED, coded according to cloud and visibility. BLACK may also be reported when the runway is unusable.
13: Trend
BECMG | Becoming | NSW | No sig weather |
TL | Until | TEMPO | Temporarily |
AT | At | NSC | No sig cloud |
NOSIG | No sig change | FM | From |
EGNM 061620Z 26010G25KT 200V300 3000 1300SW R14/800D FG -RA BKN018TCU 10/02 RE+RA WS RWY 14 BECMG SCT039 FEW022
The example above is a fake METAR to include as many options as possible for demonstration purposes.
METAR EGNM 071050Z 26019G31KT 9999 SCT035 13/04 Q1015
You can see it’s much simpler.