VAC PP Exam Briefing

The VACs Private Pilot exam will not give you the PP rank outside of VACs it will not have any effect on your rank on any of the networks just within VACs.

So what is the point of the VACs PP exam? Passing the VACs PP exam will mean you gain access to additional aircraft within VACs, without having to take a network exam. You may do either if you pass your PP on a network that is transferable to VACs open a ticket to let us know.

Now that is clear let’s move on and allow me to explain what will be expected of you.


You will be asked 12 questions and you will need to answer 9 correctly. The questions will be selected at random from a database of questions and all the answers are in the VACs Wiki.


At the end of the theoretical exam you will be given three ICAO codes and asked to plan a route, in the practical exam you will fly that route whilst being examined. Here is a breakdown of what you should plan for.

You will first join the circuit at the departure airports requesting the correct clearance, once you have completed one circuit and touch and go you will request to leave the control zone again requesting the correct clearance, you will depart the control zone via the Visual Reference Points and remain within your cleared limits.

You will follow your route and be expected to then join the circuit correctly and follow local procedures.

Once complete you will leave the circuit and head to your destination.

At any point within the flight, the examiner will ask you to perform some tasks or manoeuvres.

  • Basic turns
  • Steep turns
  • Climbs and Descents
  • Slow flight
  • Track a VOR
  • Track a NDB

We will also try to trick you to ensure you are aware of the restrictions around you so be aware.

The route will start and end at an airport within class D airspace, the airport you will join and do circuits at will be within class G airspace, the examiner will ask all ATCs along the way you can simply call them up with the correct callsign.

We have no limit on how many times you can take the exam but we do have a 7-day period if you fail you will be required to wait, these 7 days should be used to plan your next exam flight.