CAA ATC VFR Arrivals

In this lesson, we go through an example of arriving at an airport in controlled airspace and requesting to land.

If controllers are online you would first contact the Approach or Radar controller 15 NM or 5 minutes flying time from the ATZ boundary. If only tower is online contact them the same distance or time.
Explanation   Exchange
Make the initial call using the full name of the station you are calling and your full callsign.
“Leeds radar, G-VACS request join information.”
“G-VACS, pass message.”
We shall reply with the standard free call. This consists of Who you are, what you are doing, where you are and what you want.
“G-VACS, C152, Sherburn to Leeds, VFR, currently 2400ft just west of the M1/A1 Junction VRP, requestion join information.”
They will normally issue you a squawk code and instructions. They may issue a clearance limit also.
“G-VACS, cleared to enter the Leeds Control zone via the Eccup Reservoir VRP not above 2000ft, VFR, QNH 1012, squawk 4056. Expect left-hand circuits runway 14.”
Readback the clearance.
“Cleared to enter the Leeds Control zone via the Eccup Reservoir VRP not above 2000ft, VFR, QNH 1012, squawk 4056. Left-hand, runway 14, G-VACS”
The Approach/Radar controller will hand you to the tower.
“G-CS entering controlled airspace, radar control service.”
The Approach/Radar controller will hand you to the tower.  
“Roger radar control service, G-CS.”
The Approach/Radar controller will hand you to the tower.
“G-CS contact Leeds Tower 120.305.”
Read back.
“Contact Leeds Tower 120.305, G-CS.”
Make the call to the tower with their full callsign and your full callsign.
“Leeds Tower, G-VACS overhead Eccup Reservoir.”
The controller will issue join instructions.
“G-VACS, join left-hand downwind runway 14, report final.”
Report entering the ATZ
Entering the ATZ from the east 1700ft, G-CS.
The controller will acknowledge
G-CS, Roger.
Report Final
“Final runway 14, G-CS.”
The controller will give you the winds, and clearance to land.
“G-CS, runway 14, surface winds 190 degrees 10 knots, cleared to land.”
Read back the runway and clearance, you do not need to read back the weather information.
“Runway 14, cleared to land, G-CS.”
Vacate the runway, and pull past the stop bars (The closed holding point) Do not stop before them as you are considered on the active runway until you have past the holding point.
“Vacated via F, holding F1, G-CS.”
The controller will issue you taxi instructions.
“G-CS taxi back to the west apron via F.”
Not to be used for real world aviation.