Cessna 152

All training documents are based around the Cessna 152, we strongly advise you to use and learn this aircraft for your training and in future exams. You can download this free aircraft via their discord here https://discord.gg/XSb7c67F6W

Maximum Ramp Weight1675 Lbs
Maximum Takeoff Weight1670 Lbs
Maximum Landing Weight1670 Lbs
Total Fuel26 Gals
Total Usable24.5 Gals
Total Usable24.5 Gals
Total Oil7 Quarts
Sump6 Quarts
Best Glide Speed 60 KIAS
Stall in landing configurationVso35 KIAS
Stall in cruise configurationVs140 KIAS
Rotate SpeedVr50 KIAS
Best angle of climbVx55 KIAS
Best rate of climbVy67 KIAS
Maneuvering Speed 1670 lbs.Va104 KIAS
Flaps extendedVfe85 KIAS
Max. Structural Cruising SpeedVno111 KIAS
Enroute Climb Speed 70-80 KIAS
Approach SpeedVapp55-65 KIAS
Never ExceedVne149 KIAS
Demonstrated Crosswind Component 12 KTS

Turn Coordinator TC

Airspeed Indicator ASI.
Draw your attention to the coloured parts, the green and white and yellow and red.
35-85 – White Arc – Shows the max speed permissible with flaps extended.
40-111 – Green Arc – Normal operating range, the upper limit is the maximum structural cruise speed.
111-149 – Yellow Arc – Operations must be conducted with caution and only in smooth air,
149 = Red Line – Max speed for all operations.
Shows the aircraft’s height above mean sea level.
Vertical Speed Indicator VSI
Displays the rate of climb or descent (usually in feet per minute/fpm)
Attitude Indicator AI
Shows the aircraft’s relation to the horizon
Heading Indicator HI
Indicators the direction in relation to magnetic north.
Turn Coordinator
Shows the direction and rate of turns and indicates slip and skid.