In this lesson, we give an example of the communication between the pilot and the AGCS operator, performing a RNP approach.

Explanation   Exchange
The initial call should include your full callsign, the station’s full name, and your location.
“Sherburn Radio, G-VACS is 6 miles south of Sherburn, for RNP approach via RUDUD runway 28.”
The radio operator will pass the status of the RNP, the runway in use, the weather information QFE QNH and if the circuit is active.  
“G-VACS, Sherburn Radio, RNP Active, Runway in use 28, Pass weather information (read metar), QFE, QHN, and if the circuit is active or not.”
Information such as runway in use, circuit status direction, and QNH/QFE should always be read back.
“RNP Active, runway in use 28, QNH 1020, G-VACS ”
Report at the initial fix with altitude.
“G-CS, RUDUD 2000ft.”
AGCS will acknowledge.  
“G-CS, Roger.”
Roger passing the intermediate fix.
“G-CS, intermediate fix.”
AGCS will acknowledge.  
“G-CS, Roger.”
Report passing the final approach fix.
“G-CS, final approach fix.”
AGCS will acknowledge.  
“G-CS, Roger.”
Report 2 miles final.
“G-CS, 2 miles final.”
AGCS will acknowledge, and provide traffic information.  
“G-CS, surface winds, 240 degrees at 2 knots, traffic is C152 just departing runway 28.”
“G-CS, Roger.”
Report vacated.
“G-CS, Vacated runway via C1 and taxiing back to parking.”
AGCS will acknowledge.
“G-CS, Roger.”
Not to be used for real world aviation.