1. Respect for All
Treat every member with the same respect you expect from others. A friendly and welcoming environment is our top priority.
2. No Advertising
Advertising other communities, groups, or services is not allowed. Let’s keep the focus on our shared passion for flying.
3. Prohibited Content
Any illegal content or adult material is strictly forbidden.
4. FShub.io Account
If a requirement of the flying group. FSHub fuel should be set to Lbs, check out the help menu for additional help.
5. Website Username
Should be your first name and IVAO VID, Paul – 122038
6. Discord Username Format
Usernames should be your first name followed by your callsign Paul – VAC3Q for example.
7. Flight Requirement
To remain a member of VACs you must fly a minimum of 1 hour VFR and log the flight on the website monthly.
8. Valid Email Address
You must provide a valid email address when registering.
9. Flight Plan Remarks
When flying under a VAC callsign, please include “IVAOVA/VAC” in the remarks section of your flight plan. To help promote the group include virtualaeroclubs.com also.
10. Data Storage & Privacy
VAC stores your username, email address, FShub username, and IVAO VID. If you wish to have your personal information deleted, please submit a request through a Discord support ticket.