Aircraft Information
General Knowledge
- VFR Circuit
- VFR Minima
- Airspace
- ATC Air Traffic Control
- Flight Rules
- Overhead Join
- TA Transition Altitude TL Transition Level Semicircular Rule
ATC Services
CAA Phraseology
- Free Call Technique
- CAA AGCS VFR Circuits
- CAA AGCS Arrivals
- CAA AGCS Departures
- CAA AGCS RNP Approach
- CAA AFIS VFR Circuit
- CAA AFIS Arriving
- CAA AFIS Departure
- CAA AFIS RNP Approach
- CAA ATC VFR Circuit
- CAA ATC VFR Arrivals
- CAA ATC VFR Departure
- CAA ATC VFR Transit Class D
ICAO Phraseology
- ICAO AFIS Circuits
- ICAO AFIS Arrival
- ICAO AFIS Departure
- ICAO ATC Arrival
- ICAO ATC Departure
VFR Minima are the minimum weather conditions required for a visual flight rule VFR flight. These conditions include visibility and the minimum distance from clouds. You may have noticed them on the image used to explain airspace in the previous lesson.

In the VFR section, you will see VMC Minima VMC stands for Visual Meteorological Conditions when radiotelephony is used you would say the individual letters.

We can see that in all the airspace classes it’s the same but extra information is present in the class D and class G sections.
You also need to abide by air law the basics are the CAA states that generally fly at least 500 ft above people, vehicles and structures, and 1000 ft above built-up areas. You can also not fly lower than would allow you to make a safe landing when over congested areas.
In the virtual world you can of course simply change the weather, if this is the case then add the remark: SIM VMC.