CAA AFIS Departure

In this lesson, we give an example of the communication between the pilot and the AFISoperator, for an example of departing the airfield.

Explanation   Exchange
On the first call use both your full callsign and that of the station being addressed.
“Duxford Information, G-VACS, PA28 on the eastern apron, request taxi for VFR flight to Old Sarum, 2 POB”
The FISO will give you the QNH, runway in use and taxi instructions.
“G-VACS, Duxford Information, taxi holding point Echo for runway 24L, left-hand circuit, QNH 1024.”
The taxi instructions, runway in use, circuit direction and QNH must be read back.
“G-VACS, Taxi holding point Echo, runway 24L left-hand QNH 1014.”
Never use the phrase “Take-off” unless you are doing so.
“G-CS holding at Echo, ready for departure.”
The AFIS will provide winds, and traffic information if required.

The phrase “take-off at your discretion” signals the point at which the FISO is no longer
giving you instructions. You are solely responsible for determining whether it is safe to take off. Once airborne and transitioning to enroute fight, you should report leaving the ATZ and frequency at the appropriate time. It is good practice to let the current station know which frequency you are changing to

“G-CS Roger, no reported traffic, surface wind 260/14 kts, take off at your
“Taking off runway 24L, G-CS”
“G-CS leaving the ATZ via the West 1000ft, and switching to Unicom 122.8.”
“G-CS roger.”
Not to be used for real world aviation.