CAA ATC VFR Departure

We are parked on the West Apron at Leeds Bradford, the first task if a controller is online is to tune the ATIS on 118.030 and then contact the lowest available position let’s assume tower and radar are online for this lesson.
Explanation   Exchange
On the first call use both your full callsign and that of the station being addressed. Since the controller needs more time to coordinate our clearance, I will include the request in the initial call.
“Leeds Tower, G-VACS, Cessna 152 on the west apron QNH 1010 with information Alpha. Requesting engine start, and then clearance to leave the Leeds Bradford control zone to the East.”
The controller will give you clearance to start your engine and give you the QNH/QFE
“G-VACS, Leeds Tower, engine start approved QNH 1010, and Roger.”
When you are ready to taxi contact the controller.
“Leeds Tower, G-CS request taxi to the active runway for departure to the East.”
The controller may clear you at your current location or more commonly in the XU they will tell you to expect clearance at the hold.
“G-CS, taxi holding point F1, QNH 1012 , clearance will be at the hold.”
The controller will issue you taxi instructions and may include the QNH again, if so read all back.  
“Taxi holding point F1, QNH 1012, clearance at the hold, G-CS”
Some controllers will inform you they have your clearance and ask you to report once you are ready to receive and near the holding point.
“G-CS, I have your clearance report ready to copy.”
You can either tell them you are ready or to stand by.
“Roger, we are ready to copy the clearance, G-CS.”
The controller will issue the clearance, and preempt it.
“G-VACS, after departure left turn, cleared to leave the Leeds Control zone via the Eccup Resovoir VRP, VFR, not above altitude 2000ft QNH 1012, squawk 2655”
Read back the whole clearance.
“after departure, left turn, cleared left-hand circuit, VFR, not above altitude 2000ft QNH 1012, Squawk 2655, G-VACS”
The controller will confirm you read back the clearance correctly or will correct your mistakes.
“G-CS, readback correct, report ready for departure.”
Report when you are ready for departure.
“Ready for departure, G-CS.”
The controller may issue traffic information.
“G-CS, traffic is a C152 on the crosswind leg, report the traffic insight.”
Report once you have the traffic insight.
“Traffic insight, G-CS.”
The controller will issue take-off clearance, note if you are taking off from an intersection that will be included.
“G-CS, Via F, runway 16, surface winds 180 degrees 10 knots, left turn out, cleared for take-off.”
The left turn out means simply once airborne turn left, we shall leave the circuit on the crosswind, and next report leaving the ATZ.
“Runway 16 cleared for take-off, left turn out, G-CS.”
Once we leave the ATZ the tower controller will and up to Radar/Approach or Control depending on who is online.
“Leaving the ATZ to the East 1600ft, G-CS”
Acknowledge the instruction.
“G-CS, contact Leeds Radar ”
Contact the next controller, they will already be aware of your plan due to coordination just just tell them you are listening.
“Leeds Radar, G-VACS.”
Once you leave the controlled airspace the controller will offer you a service, we will just request basic.
“G-CS, leaving controlled airspace in 3 miles, what service do you require outside controlled airspace.”
Read back.
“Basic service, G-CS.”
“G-CS, Roger”
The controller will inform you when you leave the controlled airspace.  
“G-CS, leaving controlled airspace, basic service, report leaving the frequency.”
“Basic service and report leaving the frequency, G-CVS.”
Inform radar when you are switching who to and the frequency.  
“Switching to Sherburn Radio 122.610”
squawk conspicuity simply means changing the squawk code back to 7000.
“G-CS, squawk conspicuity ”
“Squawk conspicuity, G-CS.”
Make the initial call to the Radio Operator.
“Sherburn Radio, G-VACS, request airfield information.”
Not to be used for real world aviation.