CAA AFIS Arriving

In this lesson, we give an example of the communication between the pilot and the AGCS operator, arriving at the airport.

You should contact the AFIS around 10 miles out from the airport.

Explanation   Exchange
As per contacting an en-route ATSU, including the request in the initial call will help the FISO respond appropriately.
“Duxford Information, G-VACS, 10 NM south of Duxford, request join.”
The FISO will request information
“G-VACS Duxford Information, pass message
As per contacting an en-route ATSU, including the request in the initial call will help the FISO respond appropriately.
“G-VACS 10 miles south of Duxford, descending to height 1000ft.”
The FISO should respond with the relevant aerodrome information.
“G-VACS runway 24L in use, left-hand circuit, QFE 1019.”
Runway in use, circuit direction and QHN/QFE must be read back.
“Runway 24L left-hand circuit, QFE 1019, G-V-VACS.”
Announce entry into the ATZ.
“G-CS,entering the ATZ from the south at 1,000 ft”
The request to report downwind is not an instruction as you would receive from an air traffic controller. It is a reporting request that is consistent with local procedures.

The FISO may give you traffic information in the circuit, although it should be treated as advisory only.

“G-CS Roger report joining downwind.”
Requests may be acknowledged with ‘wilco’. While you should follow published aerodrome procedures, AFIS cannot issue instructions to aircraft in the air. It is your decision as to how to execute the arrival join.
“Wilco G-CS.”
“G-CS Joining downwind.”
“G-CS Roger, currently a Cessna 172 reported final, Report final runway 24L.
“Wilco G-CS.”
“G-CS  final 24L.
The term “land at your discretion” is used by AFISOs to aircraft on final. It emphasises that it is the pilot’s decision whether to land or not. It is not a landing clearance as you would receive from an aerodrome controller. You should ensure the runway is clear before landing.
“G-CS surface wind 280º/9 kts,  land at your discretion, .”
“Roger G-CS.”
In the UK, AFISOs issue taxi instructions to aircraft on the ground.
“G-CS taxi to the end of the runway, vacate at Delta and then to the western apron.”
If you are unsure of the assigned route, stop and ask for clarification, although do not stop on the runway.
“Vacate at Delta and taxi to the western apron, GCS.”
“GCS request parking.
“G-CS park between the brown PA28 and the yellow Super Cub.”
“Roger between the brown PA28 and the yellow Super Cub, G-ME.”
Not to be used for real world aviation.