VAC Tower Controlling

For most of our events, we will have towers, and like IVAO and Vatsim you will do the role of the position below, so read the VAC Ground lesson.

The tower controls the runway, you decide which runway is in use.

What are you responsible for?

  • Take-off Clearances.
    Callsign, surface wind direction and speed, runway number, cleared for take-off.
    If from an intersection:
    Callsign, surface wind directions and speed, via intersection, runway number, cleared for take-off.

  • Landing Clearances.
    Callsign, surface wind direction and speed, runway number,
    1: Cleared to Land.
    2: Cleared touch and go.
    3: Cleared low approach.
    4: Cleared stop and go.

  • Continue Approach.
    Callsign, continue approach, surface wind direction and speed.

  • Crossing a runway.
    Callsign Via hold point cross runway number vacate hold point.

I am not going to go too deep into VFR in this section but the basics are this.

  • VFR Circuit Clearance:
    Callsign, Hold position, after departure, runway number, cleared direction of circuit, VFR, not above altitude/height xxxx ft then QNH/QFE, Squawk 7010.
    If QNH is used then Altitude is used.
    If QFE is used then Height is used.

  • Orbits
    Callsign, at the start or end of the downwind leg, enter left/right (away from runway) orbits until advised.

A more detailed lesson will follow where we will go in great detail on VFR.