Cessna 152

  • Length – 7.3m (24.1 ft)
  • Wingspan – 10.1m (33.4ft)
  • Height (To top of tail) – 2.5m (8.3ft)
  • Wind area – 48.6m 159.5fh2
Empty Weight1104 lbs (500.7 kg)
Maximum take-off/landing weight1670 Lbs (893.5)
Maximum baggage weight200 lb (91 kg)
Maximum useful load972 lb (441 kg)
Fuel and Oil
Fuel Capacity26 US gallons
Usable Fuel24.5 US gallons
Oil capacity7 US quarts
Stall in landing configurationVso35 KIAS
Stall in cruise configurationVs140 KIAS
Rotate SpeedVr50 KIAS
Best angle of climbVx55 KIAS
Best rate of climbVy67 KIAS
Maneuvering Speed 1670 lbs.Va104 KIAS
Flaps extendedVfe85 KIAS
Max. Structural Cruising SpeedVno111 KIAS
Enroute Climb Speed70-80 KIAS
Approach SpeedVapp55-65 KIAS
Never ExceedVne149 KIAS
Demonstrated Crosswind Component12 KTS
Fuel Consumption

The highest value on the performance table is 6.4 GPH.