In this lesson, we give an example of the communication between the pilot and the AGCS operator, performing a circuit.

Explanation   Exchange
The initial call should include your full callsign, the station’s full name, and your location.
“Sherburn radio, G-VACS overhead Ferrybridge request join.”
The radio operator will acknowledge.
“G-VACS, Sherburn radio, Runway 28 in use left-hand, QFE 1022, traffic is a C172 reported downwind.”
Information such as runway in use, circuit status direction, and QNH/QFE should always be read back.
“G-CS, runway 28 in use left-hand, QFE 1022.”
Sherburn has an ATZ and you must report entering or leaving an ATZ with position and height/altitude.
“G-CS, entering the ATZ from the south, height 1000ft, joining left downwind.”
The radio operator will acknowledge.
“G-CS, Roger.”
Report final.
“G-CS, final runway 28.”
The radio operator will acknowledge. And provide traffic information and winds.
“G-CS, surface winds 280 degrees, 7 knots, traffic is a C152 reported lining up to depart.”
“G-CS, Roger.”
Report vacated.
“G-CS, vacated C1, returning to parking.”
The radio operator will acknowledge.
“G-CS, Roger.”
Not to be used for real world aviation.