Good morning all, we have a few new members so welcome to each of you and we hope to see you on one of our group flights.
Last week I made some big changes to the website the aim is to streamline the website interface so you have the information at your fingertips rather than having to click 3 or 4 or even 5 times you will have to click 1 or twice at the very most and give you instant easy access to the most commonly used tools. Feedback is always welcome.
Airport Information
Circuit direction, runway information, QFE, links to scenery, videos and website where available are all included, this adds a lot of work on the backend adding all this information, today I have switched the code so it only shows airports that have been updated.
The events section sits in the centre and will tell you about the upcoming events for the next 2 weeks.
There will be no more pings on Discord about events briefings they can be found here on the website, the only time i will ping about events is if we cancel one due to exams or other situations that arise, events are Wednesday and Sunday every week starting from 1730Z.
On the very right we have the tours section. Here you can submit a pirep, check your status and check out tours. Note when checking status you will need to click the tab again after submitting.
Finally, under the airport information section, we have a links section, we have links to training courses and also general links to some websites you will find useful.
Username and callsign Rules
Members will not be assigned a callsign until they either request a callsign or attend a group flight.
If you do not wish to fly but still wish to be a member of the community that is fine, your username on the website and discord should be (First name – IVAO VID) for example Paul – 122038
Once you have been assigned a callsign your callsign on Discord should be First name – VACxx where xx is whatever number assigned or requested.
You may now select your numbers or be assigned if you wish to change your callsign numbers open a ticket on Discord before you update your server profile.
Please update your username on Discord to the correct format. To do this click Virtual Aero Clubs at the top left of the Discord then select “Edit Server Profile” Edit the server Nickname section.
Please provide feedback on what you want to see at VACs and any ideas or suggestions you have using the Discord forms section. The more feedback I receive the better we can make the community.
I look forward to seeing those of you who can attend tonight’s group flight. Check the website for information on tonight’s event. And future events