I am pleased to inform you that the website is back up and running and the issue has been resolved.
I was sadly when trying to recover the uses table it did not work so you are going to have to sign up again. This should be the last time.
When signing up you will be asked for your IVAO vid and your chosen callsign, for your callsign do not use a – for example instead of G-PAUL use GPAUL. When you sign you will now require admin approval so message me on Discord and I will approve you this is just another line of security.
I have also created a Feedback form click here. please feel free to use it, it’s anonymous also.
2 responses to “The Website is back and new feedback form.”
Vid 717235. I use different call signs for different a/c and have my UKB callsign too. Which should I specify? GWKHR is the C152.
The reason we ask for a callsign is we have a small script that looks through the IVAO data and if it finds a match it inserts the callsign, departure airport, arrival airport, and a time for both into a table, we can then use that information to verify that someone did indeed fly the leg of the tour.
I am not against allow people multiply callsign, this would require a large rework of the signup process and the backend codes, an alternative would be to install software like FShub and the LRM (Landing rate monitor) and use that to track flights and such.
We will over the next weeks have a poll.