Join FS in basic terms in VACs case a private server that allows pilots to connect and see each other. It also allows people using different simulators to fly together.
You can read more about Join FS on their website Here i will cover the basics to get you started.
Step 1
Head to the website linked above and download the correct version for your simulator and install the software.
Step 2
Open the software and fire up your simulator

The Simulator will show in red once you have fully loaded (Sat the plane) click the Simulator Button.
Next along the top of JoinFS click the View menu then Public Hubs this window will open.

This is a list of all the Join FS servers, scroll down and find VACs and in green next to that should say Password, to the right, are two check boxes click the first one to save it as a favourite.
Right click on VACs and click “Join” You will be asked for a password. The password is virtualaeroclubs. Once connected box buttons will be green.