Welcome to our private pilot course, here we shall go over everything you will need to know to pass the private pilot exam on the IVAO network.
Once you have requested an exam and a date and time have been set the examiner shall advise you of the route they want you to plan your flight along, this will include 3 bits of information.
- Departure Airport
This is the airport they wish you to depart from. - Arrival Airport
This is the airport you will be arriving at. - Circuit Airport
You will be expected to join the circuit and perform several touch-and-go’s.
You will be judged on the following parts.
- Flight Plan
- Start, taxi, departure
- VFR Navigation / NDB Navigation
- Joining the circuit, flying the circuit.
- Phraseology
Before the practical exam, you will be required to complete an oral theoretical exam on the following topics. This is not the multiply choose theoretical exam this will be with the examiner and they will be asking you questions directly.
- IVAO Software
- Charts
- Air Law
- Metar / Taf
- Aircraft Knowledge
- Charts and VFR Procedures
Click Curriculum to be taken to the individual lessons.
The full document can be found here: https://wiki.ivao.aero/en/home/training/main/pilot_briefing/PP_briefing
This is the current WIP more things will be added each day and once complete news will appear in the weekly news letter.