Once you complete everything on the list you will see this page, this is the home page and it is customized to you. Each time you visit the website you will be greeted by this page.

Top we have the account information panel, which shows your callsign, distance, hours, average landing rate and points. (PIREP field has slightly changed but still functions the same)
How points are calculated
- 1-200nm = 1 point per nm.
- 201-300nm = 1 point per nm.
- 301nm + = 0.5 points per nm.
This rewards shorter flights and prevents people from setting a massive route and leaving the plane to fly it whilst asleep or at work or school.
Fuel Prices (Prices taken from the Sherburn Aero Club website) Will be checked every month
- Avgas – 1.86 per Litre.
- Jet1A – 0.92 per Litre.
Transfer Fee
- 0.15 points per nm.
You can fly anywhere you want you do not need to depart from where you land unless you want to do that. You must however only fly aircraft you are rated to fly, so currently on a new account that is the C152. The website will assign you an aircraft with its reg and a full tank of Avgas you get you started.
If your standard of flying falls below the standard we expect pilots to fly to you will be restricted from using the VAC callsign online and will be asked you use the aircraft registration.
The aircraft
The website shows you several stats and information about the aircraft
- Location (Only works after your first pirep submission – It will show an error until that time)
- Max fuel capacity gallons and Litres.
- FOB (Fuel on Board.)
- Reg – Aircrafts Registration.
- General starts will show information on the aircraft.
- Speeds will show speed information on the aircraft.
- Fuel buying selection.
There is no link between the website and the sim so you can either load fuel based on your FOB or load whatever you wish.
Once you pass your PP, more aircraft will become available for you to gain access to via training sessions. The cost of the aircraft varies from point to point. You can either start training toward your SPP or just enjoy the system and carry on flying and earning points.
Your rating dictates what type of aircraft you can fly.
The most simple way to explain this is.
PP = Single prop GA
SPP = Twin prop GA
CP = Airliners
The expectation is that if you are in active training you can buy an aircraft above your class to use for training. But only when in active training, if not in training you are limited to the above.
If any aircraft is not available it can be added open a ticket and provide links to handbooks and whatever you can about the aircraft you wish to be added.
Spending Points
The points you spend are used to pay for fuel, additional training and aircraft. As a student pilot you are restricted to the Cessna 152 once you pass the Private Pilot exam on IVAO new aircraft will appear on the website to match your new rating. You will also have to option to buy a trainer aircraft for SPP training.