C152 Checklist

Speeds for normal operation

Normal Climb Out 65-75 KIAS
Short Field take-off, flags 10, speed at 50ft 54 KIAS
Climb, Flaps Up:
Normal 70-80 KIAS
Best Rate of climb, sea level 67 KIAS
Best rate of climb, 10,000ft 61 KIAS
Best angle of climb, sea level thru 10,000ft 55 KIAS
Landing Approach:
Normal approach, flaps up 60-70 KIAS
Normal approach, flaps 30 55-65 KIAS
Short field approach, flaps 30 54 KIAS
Blaked Landing:
Maximum power, flaps 20 54 KIAS
Maximum recommended turbulent air penetration speed:
1670 Lbs 104 KIAS
1500 Lbs 98 KIAS
1350 Lbs 93 KIAS
Maximum demonstrated crosswind velocity 12 Knots

Preflight Inspection

Parking brake SET
Ignition switch OFF
Master switch ON
Fuel Quantity Indicators CHECK
Master switch OFF
Fuel shutoff valve ON
All tie downs REMOVED
Control Surfaces CHECKED

Before Engine Start:

Preflight Inspection COMPLETE
Brakes TEST and SET
Electronic equipment OFF
Radios OFF
Ciruit breakers CHECK IN
Fuel shutoff valve ON

Starting Engine (Temperatures above freezing)

Prime (upto 3 strokes, none if warm) AS REQ
Carburetor heat Cold
Throttle, (Open 1/2 Inch, closed if warm) CHECK
Mixture RICH
Propeller Area CLEAR
Master switch ON
Ignition switch (release when engines starts) START
Throttle (Adjust 1000 RPM or less) DONE
Oil Pressure CHECK
Navigation Lights and Flashing Beacon ON AS REQ
Radios ON

Before Takeoff

Parking Brake SET
Flight Controls FREE and CORRECT
Flight Instruments CHECK and SET
Fuel Quantity CHECK
Mixture (Rich below 3000ft) RICH
Elevator Trim SET T/O
Power Up Check:
Magnetos (RPM should not exceed 125RPM on either magnetos or 50 RPM differance between. CHECK
Carburetor heat (RPM drop) CHECK
Suction Gauge CHECK
Engine instruments and ammeter CHECK
Before take-off continued
Throttle 1000 RPM or less
Strobe Lights AS DESIRED
Radios and Avionics SET
Wing flaps SET


Normal Take-off:
Wing flaps 0 – 10 DEG
Carburetor heat COLD
Throttle FULL OPEN
Evevator control LIFT NOSE WHEEL 50 KIAS
Climb speed 65-75 KIAS
Short field Take-off:
Wing flaps 0 – 10 DEG
Carburetor heat COLD
Brakes APPLY
Throttle FULL OPEN
Mixture (Rich below 3000ft) RICH
Evevator control SLIGHTLY TAIL LOW
Climb speed (Until all obstacles are cleared) 54 KIAS
Wing flaps RETRACT AT 60 KIAS

Enroute Climb

Airspeed 70-80 KIAS
Throttle FULL OPEN
Mixture (Rich below 3000ft, Lean above 3000ft) LEAN


Power – 1900-2250 RPM (no more than 75% is recommended)
Elevator trim ADJUST
Mixture LEAN

Before Landing

Mixture RICH
Caruretor heat (apply full heat before reducing power) ON


Normal Landing:
Airspeed 60-70 KIAS
Wing flaps (below 85 KIAS) AS DESIRED
Airspeed (Flaps down) 55-65 KIAS
Short field Landing:
Airspeed (Flaps UP) 60-70 KIAS
Wing flaps 30 BELOW 85 KIAS
Power (Idle Once clear of obstacle) IDLE
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