Piper Arrow III

  • Length – 7.5m (24.7 ft)
  • Wingspan – 10.8m (35.4ft)
  • Height (To top of tail) – 2.4m (7.9ft)
  • Wind area – 15.8m (170fh2)
Empty Weight1,612 lb (731 kg)
Maximum take-off/landing weight2,750 lb (1,247 kg)
Maximum baggage weight200 lb (91 kg)
Maximum useful load1,148 lb (521 kg)
Fuel and Oil
Fuel capacity77 US gallons
Usable fue72 US gallons
Oil capacity8 US quarts
VNE (never exceed speed)183 KIAS
VNO (max. cruising speed)146 KIAS
VA (manoeuvring speed)118 KIAS (at 2,325 lb)
96KIAS (at 1,531 lb)
VFE (max. flap speeds)103 KIAS
VSO (stall speed)55 KIAS (landing configuration)
Service ceiling15,000 ft
Range (max. payload)637 nautical miles
Instrument Markings
White arc44-103Full flap operating range.
Lower limit is maximum weight
VSO in landing configuration.
Upper limit is maximum speed
permissible with flaps extended.
Green arc60-146Normal operating range. Lower limit
is maximum weight VS1 with flaps
retracted. Upper limit is maximum
structural cruising speed.
Yellow arc146-183Operations must be conducted with
caution and only in smooth air.
Redline183Maximum speed for all operations.
Fuel Usage

These are estimates based on the highest values.
75% = 12.7 GPH
65% = 11.4 GPH
55% = 10.2 GPH.