ATC IFR Full Flight

This is a basic example of a full IFR flight.

Explanation   Exchange
Inital Call, include, Callsign, A/C Type, Gate/Stand Number, Information, Request.
“East Midlands Ground, Aero 28P, A320 Neo, Stand 43, Information Alpha on board, request IFR cleared to Edinburgh.”
The controller may ask you to standby or issue the clearance.
“Aero 28P, East Midlands Ground, Alpha is correct, Cleared Edinburgh, Trent 2N, Squawk 5533.”
Cleared Edinburgh, Trent 2N squawk 5536.”
If you get anything wrong the controller should just correct that part.
“Aero 28P, Squawk 5533.”
Readback part you got wrong not the whole things.
“Sqawk 5533 Aero 28P.”
They will confirm you got it correct.
“Aero 28P read back correct.”
When ready call for push back and start. (Get the tub in position so you are actually ready.)
“Request Push and Start, Aero 28P.”
Clearance to push and start.
“Aero 28P, stand 43 push start approved face north, QNH 1012.”
Acknowledge. You can add QNH here or some do it on Taxi.
“Push start approved face north, QNH 1012.”
Report when you are ready to taxi.
Ready to taxi, Aero 28P.”
Taxi clearance, include QNH if you did not on P/S
“Aero 28P, taxi Holding point W1, runway 27, via A and W.”
Reback taxi instructions.
“Taxi holding point W1, runway 27 via A and W. Aero 28P.”
Hand off to Tower.
“Aero 28P, contact East Midlands Tower, 124.005.”
Read Back the handoff.
“East Midlands Tower, 124.005.”
Ready at the hold and when ready for departure, never say ready for take-off.
“East Midlands Tower, Aero 28P, holding W1 ready for departure.”
“Aero 28P, via W1, surface winds 230 at 3 knots, runway 27, cleared for take-off.”
Read back, intersection, runway and clearance.
“Via W1, runway 27 cleared for take-off.”
Hand off.
“Aero 28P, contact London control 132.605.”
Read Back.
“London control, 132.605, Aero 28P.”
Call London.
“London Control, passing 2300ft, Trent 2N, Aero 28P.”
“Aero 28P, continue climbing FL150.”
Read Back.
“Climb FL150, Aero 28P.”
Continue climb.
“Aero 28P, climb FL280.”
“Climb FL280, Aero 28P.”
Handoff to Scottish.
“Aero 28P, contact Scottish Control 124.5”
Read Back.
“Contact Scottish Control 124.5, Aero 28P.”
Inital call to Scottish.
“Scottish Control, Aero 28P, FL240.”
Arrival Information.
“Aero 28P, INPIP 1E, Vectors ILS 24”
“INPIP 1E, Vectors ILS 24, Aero 28P.”
Call for descent.
“Request Descent, Aero 28P.”
Descent clearance.
“Aero 28P, desent FL80 to be level TARTN.”
“Descent FL80 to be level TARTN, Aero 28P.”
Hand off to Edinburgh Approach.
“Aero 28P, contact Edinburgh Radar 121.205.”
Rea dback.
“Edinburgh Radar 121.205, Aero 28P.”
Inital call to Edinburgh Radar.
“Edinburgh Radar, Aero 28P.”
Approach Start.
“Aero 28P, Leave TARTN heading 030.”
“Aero 28P, descent Altitude 5000ft, QNH 1029.”
Read back.
“Descent Altitude 5000ft, QNH 1029, Aero 28P.”
“Aero 28P, turn left heading 330 degrees, speed 200 knots”
“Turn left heading 330 degrees, speed 200 knots, Aero 28P.”
“Aero 28P, descent altitude 3000ft, speed 180 kts.”
Read back.
“Descent altitude 3000ft, speed 180 kts, Aero 28P.”
“Aero 28P, turn left heading 270 degrees, speed 160 knots until 4 DME, cleared ILS Rwy 24.”
“Left 270 degres, speed 160 knots until 4 DME, cleared ILS runway 24, Aero 28P.”
“Established, Aero 28P.”
Hand off to Tower.
“Aero 28P, contact Edinburgh Tower 118.705.”
“Edinburgh Tower 118.705, Aero 28P.”
“Edinburgh Tower, Aero 28P.”
Landing Clearance.
“Aero 28P, surface winds 260 degrees 4 knots, runway 24, cleared to land.”
Readback runway and clearance.
“Runway 24, cleared to land, Aero 28P.”
Report Runway vacated. At Edinburgh if you vacate B you can take to A12, if you vacated A you can taxi to A8.
“Runway 24, vacated, Aero 28P.”
Handoff to Ground.
“Aero 28P, contact Edinburgh Ground 121.755.”
“Edinburgh Ground 121.755, Aero 28P.”
Contact Ground.
“Edinburgh Ground 121.755, Aero 28P.”
Contact Ground.
“Aero 28P, taxi stand 2 via A and F.”
“Stand 2 via A and F, Aero 28P.”
You do not need to call once you are parked you can just disconnect, or you can say something nice like thank you for the control.