VFR Circuit

Before you even think about flying a circuit online, I would strongly advise that you practice offline do not worry about everything part focus one part at a time, and work on staying in control of the aircraft managing the pitch and roll and speed to remain in control at all times. Once you have mastered being in control of the plane you can then move on and start working on adding realism.

VFR Circuit

The circuit is made up of 5 legs.

  • Upwind
  • Crosswind
  • Downwind **
  • Base *
  • Final **

* Optional reporting to improve situational awareness. If you know other aircraft are in the circuit or if requested by ATC.
** Mandatory reporting points.

Let us take a look at a nice simple circuit. Below is an image of Sherburn with the circuit for runway 01/19 highlighted.


My advice is always to use tools like Google map or other images and pick out landmarks, for example, on the upwind departing runway 19 is a farmhouse, shown in FS2020 as a house, and just after that closer in is a line of sheds that is my turning point, I then keep the railway line parallel, next along the railway line is sort of a track on the southside once I am parallel to that I turn to downwind. You are not expected to follow dead on the line at all times, do not worry if you are early or late to turn. The solar farm is a great easy-to-see reference. No matter what the airport or airfield is you are planning on doing circuits at research the area first always and check for local procedures.


Flight simulator has some great lessons on how to fly and perform basic tasks i advise you to go and complete them if you are having trouble keeping in control of the aircraft.

Just a note that not every VFR circuit is the same some like Sherburn’s runway 10/28 can have extra turns to noise abatement rules. Fife is another airport with a extra turn.

If you require any extra help just reach out to someone on Discord.

Question Time – From memory what are the legs of a VFR circuit called? (Click to show answer)
  • Upwind
  • Crosswind
  • Downwind
  • Base
  • Final

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