
15th Sept News Letter


On the 22nd we have a flight from Roserrow to Bristol transiting the Cardiff CTA so please take this as an opportunity for those who want to gain their PP rating on IVAO. Hope to see you there. (Also ATC is promising)


After the poll in Discord shows that some people are interested in departing from where they land I have made changes to the DIY tour in the hope that more people fly the tour. I have reworked the code so you can now input your location select the minimum and maximum distance you want to fly that day and it will generate 4 options.


I have created a new section in the tours area showing you the next leg you must fly.

The link will take you to the PIREP page.

I have changed the events section so the event should still be listed for an hour past the event start date and time, we will have to wait until Sunday to see if it works.

I did not set the poll to run very well but maybe after this week, we will trail running events on Saturday night.

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